1: Discover the rare 1796 draped bust dime worth $90 million still in circulation.

2: Learn about the rare 1874-CC seated Liberty dime valued at $90 million.

3: Uncover the rare 1871-CC seated Liberty dime worth a hefty $90 million.

4: Explore the 1804 draped bust dime, one of the rarest coins valued at $90 million.

5: Delve into the rare 1975 no-S proof Roosevelt dime fetching a staggering $90 million.

6: Find out about the rare 2000-P sacagawea cheerios dollar coin that's worth a whopping $90 million.

7: Discover the rare bicentennial quarter worth $90 million still in circulation.

8: Learn about the 1970-S small date Lincoln cent worth $90 million in circulation.

9: Uncover the 2004-D Wisconsin state quarter worth $90 million still in circulation.